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October 7, 2024
We are often asked how many people is the ideal number for a crew

The ideal number of crew for a yacht depends on several factors, including the size of the yacht, the level of sailing experience of the crew, and the type of sailing that is being done. Here are some general guidelines for the ideal number of crew on a yacht:

1. Small yachts

For small yachts, such as those under 30 feet, a minimum of two crew members is recommended. One person can handle the sails while the other steers the boat. This setup allows for efficient and safe sailing, even in rough weather.

2. Mid-sized yachts

For mid-sized yachts, such as those between 30 and 50 feet, a crew of three to four is ideal. This allows for one person to handle the sails, one to steer the boat, and one or two to handle tasks such as navigation, cooking, and maintenance.  Requirements for crew are however also governed by how the vessel is set up and whether all necessary sailing functions can be safely done, many experienced yachtsmen and women have set to sea alone  

3. Large yachts

For large yachts, such as those over 50 feet, a crew of five or more is recommended. This allows for a more efficient and safe sailing experience, with specialized crew members for tasks such as navigation, sail handling, and engineering.

4. Racing yachts

For racing yachts, the ideal crew size depends on the type of racing and the size of the boat. In general, larger racing yachts require more crew members, with specialized crew members for tasks such as trimming sails, grinding winches, and tactics.

It is important to note that the ideal number of crew for a yacht also depends on the level of sailing experience of the crew members. Novice sailors may require more crew members to ensure a safe and efficient sailing experience, while experienced sailors may be able to handle a smaller crew. Additionally, the type of sailing being done can affect the ideal number of crew members, with longer or more complex passages requiring a larger crew.

Ultimately, the ideal number of crew for a yacht depends on several factors and can vary from boat to boat. It is important to assess the specific needs of the yacht and the crew before deciding on the ideal crew size.

When under instruction the RYA allows up to 5 students to one instructor, this allows for a safe and informative learning experience, here at Mallorca Sailing Academy we do not exceed these numbers.